Friday, February 5, 2010

Save Constellation!

I want to make sure that all of you are aware that the White House's 2011 budget, as proposed on Monday this week, cancels the entire Constellation Program.

Constellation is our space exploration program to replace the shuttle fleet. Its aim is to return to the Moon and develop the technologies we will need to execute manned missions to Mars.

The White House's new plan leaves us with no destination beyond low Earth orbit. Instead NASA would buy rides from commercial "crew taxis" to transport astronauts to and from the International Space Station. The worst part is that it wastes the $9B we've already spent on Constellation and spends $2.5B MORE just to shut it all down. This would be a tragic waste. If you want to see some of the results we've produced with that $9B, watch this video.

If you believe, as I do, that we must not retreat from our space exploration goals, then please take a few minutes to appeal to your representatives. Below is a short list of simple ways to help out and learn more about what's happening.

  1. Email your congressmen, senators, and your governor ( makes this very easy - more info below)
  2. WRITE a real letter (Yes, by hand and in ink - the envelope, too) to these people (enter your zip code to get names and addresses for your reps)
  3. Vote here
  4. Share this page with your loved ones, colleagues, friends, and enemies
  5. Join the "Save Constellation!" Facebook group

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